The Council Tool Co.’s WOOD-CRAFT Pack Axe design is intended to produce a multi-functional premium axe which can successfully cut, chop, split, carve, shave, hew, hammer, aid in fire starting, and other key WOOD-CRAFT and outdoor activities. At 2.0 pounds, the Wood-Craft “Pack Axe” is made using 5160 steel, heat treated on both ends for superior strength and sharpness and is sharpened using a Flat Grind of 25 Degrees for outstanding sharpness, bite, and holding a sharp blade. The innovative Phantom Bevels prevent the axe from sticking and allows for cleaner faster cutting, splitting, carving, hewing and other WOOD-CRAFT activities. This Pack Axe model comes with a 24” Premium Curved Hickory Handle (handle length is before hanging and assembly) and includes a high quality welted leather Mask to protect your Pack Axe from the elements and you from your extremely sharp Pack Axe.
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