US Sheet Metal Worker's Tool Chest (36" x 16" X 9")

United States
Made in United States

Regular price $99.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $99.50 USD
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Availability: 21 In stock
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Made for the US Government specifically to house Sheet Metal tools.

Was made to fit (BUT DOES NOT INCLUDE):

Scratch awl, hacksaw, dolly, acid swabbing brush, wire scratch brush, cold chisels, plier clamp, divider, brazing flux, sheet metal gauge, sheet metal groover, 8 & 16 oz. hammer, tinners hammer, round nose pliers, diagonal cutting pliers, slip joint pliers, semicircular protractor, metal cutting punch and die set, hand rivet set, solid rivet, blind riveter, circumference rule, steel rule, seamer, metal cutting shears, soldering iron, T-square, measuring tape, trammel heads and plier wrench. ///brand_for_product_detail=US Mfg,close_out=Yes,companydescription=Made in the USA,condition=New,condition_google=new,cost=9.000000,countrymade=Made in the USA,country_flag=/s/h/sheetmetaltoolbox5.jpg,featured=0,flag=/s/h/sheetmetaltoolbox5.jpg,identifier_exists=0,instock=in stock,madeby=Yes,manufacture_country=United States,product_image_size=Default,product_page_type=Default,smart_campaign_bestsellers=Smart Campaign Bestsellers,store_price=99.500000,sw_featured=No, 02 08 P 04

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